by Veselina Dzhingarova
Few people build a blog just for the sake of being heard. While there are some out there that have no intention of making a profit, it is probably safe to say that at least 90% of all blogs are looking to either earn a living or subsidize the one they now have doing a regular job. In either case, whether seeking to make a profit or simply blog for the sake of blogging, there are a few things that can help you determine your niche when building a blog.
1) Choose a Niche You Are Passionate About
There are two very good reasons why this is the most important aspect of determining your niche. The first reason you should blog about something you are passionate about is because it will come through in your writing. Today’s consumer wants authenticity and if you aren’t passionate about what you are doing and saying, it will show. Secondly, you are less likely to grow tired of talking about your niche if it is a passion of yours. A blog needs to be constantly updated with new content and if you lose interest, you will quickly fade into the sunset of Google’s lost websites as they sink in the quicksand of apathy.
2) Find a Marketable Niche
However, with all that said, there are some niches that are anything but marketable. The object of learning how to make money with a blog is obviously to make an income but if you don’t get any traffic to your blog, you have no one to sell to. Whether it is a PPC campaign, affiliate marketing or to sell your own products and services on your landing pages, you need traffic. It’s much like a restaurant that has the best food in town. If no one walks through the doors, they have no one to serve. A marketable niche is like a restaurant with a waiting line out the door. You have the traffic, now use your passion to upsell dessert!
3) Don’t Try to Blog about Something You Don’t Understand
And, one final bit of advice is called for here. Many bloggers do market research to see which niches are exploding, hoping to get in on the ground floor. Unfortunately, they don’t really understand what they are promoting and it comes across as a bit silly to a visitor who is actually interested in products which might be for sale. All it takes is reading something that doesn’t make sense, is not related to that niche in any realistic way and off they will go to a site that obviously knows their product line. Nothing will leave a sour taste in the mouths of consumers more than unintelligent, spammy content.
So, if you are learning to build a blog and how to make money from it, these three tips should have you started on the right path. Find a niche you are passionate about that has a certain amount of marketability. From there you can start devising strategies to monetize your blog but if you have any hope of success, find a niche you love, understand, and are willing to invest your time and resources in. Your passion and knowledge will shine through, making it easy to begin earning an income.
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash